Drowning Prevention

Drowning is preventable and requires everyone doing their part. Taking swimming lessons, wearing Coast Guard approved flotation devices and adequate adult supervision are essential to drowning prevention.
North Texas Drowning Statistics:
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1-4 and the second leading cause of accidental death for children under 14 years of age.
Children under one years of age most often drown in a bathtub, toilet, or bucket.
Many drowning events happen in water not at the child’s home – at swim parties, or a family’s or neighbor’s house.
Over 60% of parents supervise their children while swimming, however many admit they are engaged in other distracting activities during that time. In fact, almost 40% of children who drowned in 2019 had no adult supervision at the time of the incident.
Children’s Health treats approximately 100 children for drowning/near-drowning incidents each year. Approximately 3,500 children are treated in emergency rooms for near drowning incidents each year.
More than 900 children lose their lives drowning each year in the United States. For every child who dies by drowning, another four are hospitalized. Many never recover from brain damage that occurs while they are under water.
Drowning is a silent event. Children will rarely scream, call out or splash for help.
Submersion takes less than 10 seconds. Losing consciousness takes 2 minutes. Permanent brain damage takes only 4-6 minutes.
Rules Before the Pool:
High five before you dive- make sure your kids ALWAYS ask for permission and physically let you know before they enter the water.
Enroll your child in swimming lessons.
Assess your child’s swimming ability annually.
Parents, babysitters, guardians and anyone over 14 should learn CPR.
Teach children how to dial 9-1-1 in case of an emergency.
Keep a telephone near the pool. In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1.
Have a professional pool service technician perform an annual pool safety inspection.
When your pool is being used:
Always assign an adult to actively supervise the pool. Request a free water watcher tag.
Keep constant visual contact with children in the pool. Touch supervision is essential for small children and those who can’t swim.
Never leave a child alone in a pool or spa even for a second.
Children and inexperienced swimmers should wear life jackets whenever in and around the water, even if a lifeguard is present.
Keep non-pool toys like big wheels, wagons, tricycles, etc. away from the pool.
Do not allow diving in the shallow end of the pool.
All toys should be taken out of the pool when not in use.
Never allow swimming in an unlit pool after dark.
When your pool is not in use:
Make sure all doors and windows leading to the pool area are locked. All latches should be above a child’s reach.
Restrict a child’s access to the pool when there is not adequate supervision.
Install a non-climbable fence with self-locking gate.
Use an approved safety cover.
Drain standing water from pool covers.
Keep chairs and other climbable items away from the fence.