One Minute is all it takes for a child to drown

The Minute You Use A Toy As A Flotation Device
There’s a difference between a Coast Guard-approved flotation device and an inflatable pool toy. One looks adorable on a three-year-old, but is worthless in protecting your child from drowning. Take a minute and supply your pool with approved PFDs (Personal Flotation Devices) and life vests.
The One Minute Text Message
The time it takes to read a text message or answer a phone call is all it takes for a child to drown. Never assume that because several adults are by the pool, someone is watching your kids. Play it safe. Assign one adult, a Water Watcher, to supervise pool activities at all times.
The Minute Someone Is A Hero
The only thing scarier than a child beginning to drown is the person who tries to be a hero. The instinct to dive in and rescue is one you need to overcome. Typically, the panicking child will cause the one attempting a rescue to drown with them. If you see someone struggling in the water, stay on land and toss him or her a flotation device, extend to them a rope or hold out a pole.
The Minute You Realize You Need A Fence Around Your Pool
When not in use, pools should be fenced and gates should be kept locked. Recent studies indicate that having a four-sided fence around a pool can reduce drownings by up to 80%. But a fence is of little value if the gate is left unlocked.
The Minute You Look Or Walk Away
When children are at the pool your undivided attention needs to be on watching them. Even if your children have had swimming lessons, you need to supervise them closely.